Industrial Noise Control

Develop engineering noise mitigation strategies for manufacturing and industry.

Developing Noise Mitigation Strategies

We can assist with noise reduction in manufacturing and industrial environments through assessment of existing conditions and development of noise mitigation strategies.


Noise assessment in manufacturing and industry can take the form of area mapping, worker exposure testing through dosimetry, environmental monitoring, or comprehensive noise control surveys. These are all services that we provide, sometimes performing multiple types of assessment in the same visit.


Following an assessment, a mitigation plan can be developed to reduce noise transmissions or exposures that considers feasibilty and potential benefit. Mitigation of noise sources directly is usually preferable to and more effective than barriers, enclosures, or changes to schedules. A noise-control plan may include recommendations for modifications of important noise sources or other mitigation measures, contact information for vendors able to provide the necessary products, and recommendations for changes to purchasing and maintenance strategies to reduce noise even further into the future.